Human conception and behavior

Posted by Unknown On Rabu, 30 November 2011 0 komentar

The scientific principles in psychology

Posted by Unknown On 0 komentar

The scientific principles in psychology include

a) scientific attitude
b) collection of evidence
c) Two approaches to understanding the behavior
d) Making the definition and measure behavior

Scientific Attitude consists of:
  • curiosity 
  • skepticism 
  • open-mindedness
Collection of evidence as a stage in the scientific process.

stages of scientific


Posted by Unknown On Selasa, 29 November 2011 0 komentar
What Consciousness?

Consciousness is state of awareness  (Lahey, 1986)
Consciousness is awareness, of both external and internal stimuli or events (Santrock,1991)
  • External stimuli is everything that comes from outside ourselves. for example: light, sound, etc.
  • Internal stimuli is everything that comes from within, for example: sensations, thoughts, feelings, consciousness itself. 
Characteristics of Consciousness  
  • awareness of self and the environment from time to time, associated with selective atention. 
  • Is subjective and privacy 
  • dynamic 
  • Self-reflective and self-centered 
Types of consciousness
Direct Consciousness, has the following characteristics:
  • Vigilance is focused under the command and one lane 
  • Happen during the absorbing intellectual activity awareness, emotions, and sensations of intense
Flowing Consciousness 
awareness flowing from one thought to another, from emotion to an annoying itch, and back to memories of the past.
daydreaming is a period of thinking that is directed and focused, contains the imaginary ones that are not bound by the terms of the logical or might happen.
daydreaming is a combination of directed consciousness with a dream state of consciousness in the wake up.

Adolescents with Facebook

Posted by Unknown On 0 komentar
Currently, fever facebook and other social networking is being struck teenage life. Almost every day the youth always took the time to access facebook, just to pour out her feelings. Apparently facebook fever is not only struck teenager. But the adults and the elderly are also likes to access this site. On facebook, they confide, share knowledge and experience, promotions, etc.. Since this is a task of the adolescent world, so I will only discuss about the teenager and their relationship with facebook.: P
I analyze an adolescent who was about 16 years, call him Lidya, he was the youngest of three brothers and the only woman he's the only one. Based on observation and after I read the status, I can analyze about how it goes. In my opinion, Lidya is a teenager whose emotions are unstable and easily changeable. He felt less attention until finally he vent feelings of anger, saying the less good. This is a quote status from Lidya
huuftttffhhhh ........
Okay you waste me
Still a lot of other guys

From these I can analyze the status of that Lidya always feel lonely because of lack of attention from people she loved. In addition, I also can conclude that this Lidya often feel hurt, cheated by his loved ones. This can be seen from several quotations status, that is:
Hurt hurt hurt
you hurt me ..
you lie to me ... That u love me
Bitch all

He felt hurt and deceived by her lover, until finally he pulled out dirty words that he should not say. He looks easy emotions and also easy to improve. This can be seen from the next status,
I am grateful to be loved by you
this promise to you
throughout life with you, sincere my loyalty to you.dear do not forget to pray and eat it. Love you

Previously he was hurt, lied to and less attention by her boyfriend, but every few hours later he said he was grateful because it can be loved by a man like her boyfriend now. This indicates that an adolescent still has emotional instability, irritability is also easy to improve.
In addition, I also can analyze that Lidya is a figure that has been wrong in the teen hang out, I say this because almost every status, he is always saying dirty words. This is evident from the status.
devil you all
fuck -

From the results of my analysis above, it can be concluded that Lidya is a figure of adolescents who feel lonely, less attention, often feel hurt and deceived by her lover. In my opinion, Lidya often feel lonely and neglected because of lack of communication with parents. Maybe his parents are too busy to have less time to Lidya. It seems Lidya also easily influenced by what he heard, for example like dirty words he spoke on the status, well this is where the role of parents in directing their children so as not greeting in the mix. Because an adolescent always wanted to know about everything.
Adolescence is the period of a very beautiful, impressive and colorful. At this time, someone has a labile emotions (less able to control his emotions very well), but it also, that adolescence is a time where someone wants to always try new things and want to know his true identity. Who am i? sentences that often occurred in the minds of adolescents.

Learning (Thorndike Edward Law)

Posted by Unknown On Kamis, 24 November 2011 0 komentar
According to Thorndike, learning is a process of interaction between stimulus and response.

Thorndike's famous learning of law is:
  • Law of effect is if effect a satisfactory response then the relationship between stimulus and response will be stronger. Instead, if the response is not satisfactory effect the relationship between stimulus and response will be weakened. 
  • Law of excercise is relationship between stimulus and response will be more closely if often trained. 
  • Law of readiness is the readiness refers to the assumption of that satisfaction is come from the utilization of organisms introductory unit, which these units provide a boost to the organism to take action or not.

Psychodynamic Perspective (Sigmund Freud)

Posted by Unknown On Senin, 21 November 2011 0 komentar
Psychodynamic Perspective

Psychodynamic perspective is a perspective that emphasizes that the emergence of a behavior is influenced by the id, ego, and superego. 
In which id is the impulse, ego satisfaction is properly, and superego are the norms that come from parents.
Besides id.ego, and superego that affect human behavior, according to Sigmund Freud was also influenced by the behavior of a person's subconscious. Psychodynamic
Theories of Sigmund Freud's id, ego, and superego much opposed by figures of psychology because truth is difficult to be tested.
Psychodynamic perspective is the perspective which first appeared

Learning behavior by Ivan Pavlov ( Clasiscal Conditioning)

Posted by Unknown On Jumat, 18 November 2011 0 komentar
Clasical Conditioning suggested by Ivan Pavlop
Clasiscal Conditioning found incidentally by Russian physiologist of the 19th century, Ivan Pavlov.
Pavlov observe the release of saliva in dogs in response to being fed when she realized that her dogs are always drooling every time Pavlov entered the room.
According to Ivan Pavlov studied behavior by exploiting the relationship between stimulus and response is an innate reflex.
A stimulus that gave rise to a particular response is paired with another stimulus is operated at the same time to bring up the reflex response.


Learning Behavior by BF Skinner (Operant Conditioning)

Posted by Unknown On 0 komentar
Operant conditioning suggested by BF Skinner 

According to BF Skinner, the behavior of individuals established or maintained is determined by the consequences that accompany it.
If someone gets the reward of his behavior, so behavior will be retained. However, if someone gets a punishment for his behavior, the behavior likely be discontinued. For example: A person who obtained an A in the exam, then his friends praised him, so the behavior is likely be repeated, otherwise if someone disturbing his friend then he gets punished for his behavior so behavior will be terminated.

Behavior Figure

Posted by Unknown On Selasa, 15 November 2011 0 komentar
Behavior Figure

B.F. Skinner is the figure man who pioneered the Behaviorism, who was born in a small town, in 1904 and grew up in Susquehanna, Pennsylvania, by his father who seorag environmental lawyer in a warm and harmonious family. As an Undergraduate student, Skinner enrolled at the Faculty of English Literature and want to be a writer. B.F. Skinner meolak all existing personality theories, psychology he is not ready (not yet have a sufficient factual data) to build a theory of personality that covers everything. He did not specifically discuss the topic of personality, but simply make it as a label of certain aspects of behavior.