1. Free Radical Theory
According to this theory the cells in the body damaged by the continuous attacks of the particle chemical oxygen free radicals, the oxygen molecule that has a 1 (one) or more electrons, which are not paired, so it is very radical and reactive. As a result the cells become damaged so that the network-forming organs became damaged, and from which emerged a wide range of diseases, due to the decline of organ function that we are familiar with the degenerative disease. The source of free radicals from factors internal or sourced from within ourselves, among others: Stress, depression, Demas, inflammation and wounds, excessive tired of work and excessive exercise and normal metabolism in the body. While the free radical external factors include: pollution from either plant or cigarette smoke that we breathe, also of drugs, chemotherapy, pesticides, insextisida, herbicides, food, X-rays or X-rays, bacteria, viruses, etc.. Due to the attack of free radicals is menyebabkaan variety of diseases including: diabetes, stroke, kidney failure, arthritis, cancer, heart disease, skin problems, and still so much to others
2. Wear and Damage Theory
According to this theory the body and the cells will be damaged because a lot of unused and used continuously and throughout life will lead to excessive body becomes weak and will be damaged and eventually die. Organs such as liver, kidney, stomach, skin will decrease its function due to toxins in our food and our environment that we face every day.
3. Neuroendocrine theory
This theory describes the "Use Damage" by focusing on the neuroendocrine system, complex biochemical networks that regulate the release of hormones and vital elements of the body. When young, our hormones work together to regulate various body functions, including our response to heat, cold and our sexual activity. Gland nuts for this lies in the brain and is responsible for complex hormonal chain reaction which is known by another name "body thermostat". Hormones are essential functions to improve and regulate body functions. Along with age, the body produces the hormones in the lower levels and can cause harmful effects, including decreased ability to repair the body and regulate the body. Hormone production is highly interactive, one drop of production of any hormone will affect the overall mechanism, for example; convey signals to other organs to release other hormones in the lower levels so that the other body parts will also release the hormone in the lower levels.
4. Genetic Control Theory
The theory centers on aging-planned according to our DNA genetic program. We are born with a unique genetic code, a tendency of physical and mental function type that had been predetermined. The genetic inheritance determine how fast and how long we live. If using a rough, can be thought of every human being is present in the earth like a machine that has been programmed to destroy itself. Everyone has a biological clock is ticking and can quit anytime, faster or longer several years. When the clock stops ticking, it is a sign that our bodies begin to age and eventually die. However, according to all aspects of our genetic heritage, which applies at the time of this genetic vary, depending on what we have experienced during its growth and how our lifestyle.
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