Cognitive is the whole process of property (as the perception, memory, thinking, and language) through which an information is obtained, modified, stored, retrieved, and used.
Cognitive processes include:
- Memory
- Thinking
- Language
- Problem Solving
- Intelligence
Memory is process to enter, store and retrieve back information and experience we get.
Three processes of memory include :
-Process of acquisition
-Process of storage
-Process of remembering or recall
Stages of memory
Information-sensory memory - short term memory - long term memory.
a. Sensory memory or Sensory register is the first phase of memory in a short time who maintain an accurate description of each of the sensory experience until it can be processed. If no processed, it will not reach the STM and LTM.
b. Short-term memory (STM) is the second stage of memory where as many as about 5 to 9 information can be stored for a period of time.This memory lasts only a few seconds - ½ minutes, unless the 'refurbished'. Updated by the way repetition (rehearsal). Type the information in STM include, smell perfume, melody notation, taste the fruit, nose shape, position of fingers on guitar strings, lists of names, etc.
c. Long-term memory (LTM) is the third stage of memory storage that includes much of the information is maintained for long periods of time. if STM is physical info (what we see, do, taste, touch, hear), LTM is the info in the form of meaning.
The types of LTM is :
- Declarative memory is memory that contains factual information which consists of episodic memory and semantic memory. Episodic memory is the memory of specific experiences that relate to space and time. Whereas, semantic memory is the memory of the meaning that is not related to time and place of study.
- Procedural memory is memory that contains information related to the skills and habits of doing things. Example: the memory of wudlu procedure.
Theory Of Forgetfulness
-Theory atrophy (decay theory)
According to this theory, forgetting occurs because information is previously saved never raised again so that the memory trace to be damaged or missing.
-Theory Of Interference
According to this theory, the information stored is not lost. Forgetting occurs because the information available inhibit each other or mixed. Interfernsi there are two kinds, that is:
a. proactive interference (old information inhibits new information)
b. Retroactive interference (inhibit new information old information)
-Retrieval Failure Theory
According to this theory, forgetting occurs if not found enough clues to retrieve the information once stored in memory.
According to this theory, the information stored is not lost. Forgetting occurs because the information available inhibit each other or mixed. Interfernsi there are two kinds, that is:
a. proactive interference (old information inhibits new information)
b. Retroactive interference (inhibit new information old information)
-Retrieval Failure Theory
According to this theory, forgetting occurs if not found enough clues to retrieve the information once stored in memory.
-Theory Of Reconstruction
According to this theory, forgetting occurs because of changes in the memory structure that makes it inaccurate when raised (memory becomes simpler, more consistent, and more congruent with what has individually know and trust).-Forgetting Motivated
According to this theory, forgetting occurs because of lack of motivation or effort to forget things or unpleasant events (repression, Freud).
-Forgotten because of physiological reasons (memory dysfunction)
forgetfulness due to physiological factors (aging process or the process of brain and nerve cell degeneration, chemical processes).
Forgotten because of memory dysfunction include:
- Retrograde amnesia, that is forget the information that was then. For example: forget his own name, home address
- Anterograd amnesia, forgetting that is the information you just entered. For example: forget that just ate.
- Alzheimer's disease, forgetting for the progressive brain damage from lack of the neurotransmitter substance so called Ach (Acetylcholine)
- Korsakoff syndrome, forgetting for drinking alcohol in the long term so that deficiency of vitamin B1
The function of thinking :
- Produce something new
- Decision-making
- Problem Solving
- Cling to the old thoughts
- Not enough data
- An emotional bias and a priori
1. Autistic thinking (daydreaming, not directional and do not have a specific purpose).
2. Thinking of realistic include:
- Deductive reasoning
- Thinking inductive
- Evaluative thinking
- Thinking analogy
- Thinking syllogism
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