1. Psychodynamic Perspective (Sigmund Freud)
- Developments is formed by unconscious forces that motivate human behavior
- People are born with a biological drive to be directed back to live in society
- First 3 years is a critical stage of a person
- Personality is formed in the early childhood experiences
- Personality is formed from id, ego and superego are balanced and harmony. Id is the primitive instinct or impulse. The ego is getting the proper gratification. Superego is the consciousness or the value of the parent.
Freud's Psychosexual Stage
- Period of 0-12 months Oral satisfaction center on oral
- Anal 18bln-3 th, satisfaction on hold or release
- Phallic 3-6th, sticky with similar parent
- Latensy 6th-puberty-interested in opposite gender
- Genital, puberty to adulthood, sexual maturity
2. Learning perspective
is a perspective that gives attention to the behavior observed, emphasizing the influence of the environment help explain the cultural and behavior differences. This theory is part of a behavior perspective.
-Children's cognitive development as a product of an effort to understand and act in the world
-Humans are reasonable beings who act and feel with a very complex cognitive processes and extraordinary
-Each stimulus is not always respond the same because of differences in cognitive development.
-Humans are reasonable beings who act and feel with a very complex cognitive processes and extraordinary
-Each stimulus is not always respond the same because of differences in cognitive development.
4. Perspective of Evolutionary / Sociobiological
-Evolutionary principle is natural selection, unconsciously people are not only struggling to survive but also to perpetuate their genetic heritage
-Sosiobilogis, developmental perspective that emphasizes the biological basis of social behavior
-Sosiobilogis, developmental perspective that emphasizes the biological basis of social behavior
5. Contextual perspective
Developments which saw a notice that the individual can not be separated from social context.
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